Most of us just want 2021 to be different from 2020. Dare we hope the Advent season can be the precursor to that change? Some of us know by experience that God’s presence is what we need.
Continue ReadingEvery year, Christians around the world gather together to celebrate the arrival of the King who came as a pauper, the God who became a man, the light of the world who dispels the darkness.
Continue ReadingRepeatedly throughout the Bible we see examples of the importance of names as signifiers. Whether a name serves as a testament to God, like Samuel…
Continue ReadingIn the first round of the 2003 NBA playoffs, at the third game between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Houston Mavericks, 13-year-old Natalie Gilbert stood in the middle of the basketball court to sing the national anthem.
Continue ReadingTwo years after the assassination of Julius Caesar, a temple was built on the site where he was cremated and he was formally deified.
Continue ReadingWhen Jesus talks about Himself or refers to His deeds or ministry, He refers to Himself as Son of Man more often than anything else.
Continue ReadingWhen John describes Jesus as the Word made human, there are a few things going on. His Greek readers may have understood that John’s use of the word Logos—Word, but also Logic—for Jesus was intended to convey that He is the source of all of creation and the source of order in the midst of chaos.
Continue ReadingJesus, this new branch growing out of the stump of David’s family, holds a distinct advantage as a rabbi over any other religious instructor of His era or any other.
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