Advent Devotionals

Jesus Came to Earth to Shine

by: Karen Wilk

In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis, the Pevensie children undertake a harrowing sail into “smooth, solid blackness.”

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From Anxiety to Hope

by: Christine Okken

I recently read that it is biologically impossible to feel anxiety and sing at the same time.

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Vulnerability Among Friends

by: Michael Benson

A friend of Philip Yancey’s once described to him the difference between a church service and an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

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Two Turtledoves

by: Michael Benson

From the start, we see that Mary and Joseph are doing everything in their power to follow the Law first passed down in the days of Moses.

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A New Kind of King

by: Cam Roxburgh

What we need now in our world, is a deep and profound sense of hope.

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Casting On

by: Jordan Brown

I took up knitting many years ago. It’s a fun, rhythmic, soothing activity that can produce beautiful results, as long as you follow the pattern.

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Preparing the Way

by: Drew Steinhart

I feel alive exploring new trails and scaling challenging terrain. I’m the guy who sees a trail map and starts plotting how I can complete every trail.

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The Angle of the Angel

by: Randy Schmor

Of all the angles and characters we usually consider around the story of Christmas, John the Baptist and his father, Zechariah, are not high on that list.

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