Advent Devotionals

Giving Dignity: Advent Day 14

by: Michael Benson

Because Mary was betrothed when she became pregnant, Mosaic Law would likely call for her death, depending on the exact circumstances…

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 13

by: Michael Benson

The shepherds were given the task of acting as witnesses to the birth of the Messiah. Even though they were not instructed to share this good news…

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 12

by: Michael Benson

Every breath we take is a gift from the Lord; there is no guarantee that we will live another day, unless God reveals to you His plan for your life.

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 11

by: Michael Benson

The religious leaders during the days of Galileo accepted a heliocentric model of the solar system to be heretical.

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 10

by: Michael Benson

With few exceptions, the women we read about in the Scriptures were limited in their ability to achieve positions of authority outside the home.

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 9

by: Michael Benson

Through the prophet Hosea, God repeatedly refers to Israel as an unfaithful wife, even calling Hosea to marry a prostitute as a prophetic act to mirror…

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Giving Dignity: Advent Day 8

by: Michael Benson

The work of a shepherd is humble work that includes long hours in isolation and watching over something that will never tell of your care or leadership

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Giving Community: Advent Day 7

by: Michael Benson

Every person has been created to live in community. In this way, we reflect our Creator, who resides in perpetual and continuous communion…

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