Those Who Hunger – February 25

by: Michael Benson

In 2013, Landon Jones woke up with a bacterial infection of his left lung. Even though his doctor was able to take care of the infection, Landon suffered from an ongoing side effect that is quite unusual: he could no longer feel hungry or thirsty.

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Those Who Are Humble – February 24

by: Michael Benson

The root of the word humble comes from the Latin word humus, meaning “earth.” It is incredibly fitting, then, that Jesus connects humility with the inheritance of the earth. It is this very inheritance that we read about in Revelation 21 and 22, where John writes about the old heaven and earth being replaced by a new heaven and a new earth populated with God’s people.

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Those Who Mourn – February 23

by: Michael Benson

For most of us, this past year has included quite a bit of mourning. We’ve mourned the loss of normalcy that came with the entrance of COVID‑19. We’ve mourned the number of hugs not given and hands not clasped, as well as the diminished physical closeness with those outside our immediate household.

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Poor in Spirit – February 22

by: Michael Benson

The song “John Wayne Gacy Jr.” appears on Sufjan Stevens’s 2005 album Illinois. On the track, Stevens sings about both the life and crimes of the serial killer, crimes that included murdering more than two dozen young men. It is a haunting song, especially given the last lyric.

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Sabbath – February 21

by: Michael Benson

For this Sabbath day of rest, rather than dig into more Scripture, allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what God spoke into your soul this past week. Reread the passages for this week and allow the words to penetrate into the deepest parts of you.

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Slacktivism – February 20

by: Michael Benson

The Journal of Consumer Research published a paper in 2014 titled “The Nature of Slacktivism” that contrasted token support, or slacktivism, with meaningful support, or “contributions that require a significant cost, effort, or behavior change in ways that make tangible contributions to the cause.”

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Treasures in Heaven – February 19

by: Michael Benson

One of the most secure vaults in the world is located deep inside a mountain range on a remote island halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. The purpose of this vault is not to secret away jewels, gold bars, or other items regularly featured in heist movies.

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A Wise Builder – February 18

by: Michael Benson

Upon graduation, many Canadian-trained engineers are presented with an iron ring at a private ceremony called the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. There is story that is often shared around these rings, claiming that the initial batch were crafted from the beams of the first Quebec Bridge, which, due to faulty planning and design, collapsed during its construction, killing seventy-five workers.

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