Day, February 25—Introduction

by: Michael Benson

On the copyright page of North American Hymnal, first published by the NAB in 1956, there is a note to the worshiper that reads in part, “As you join with others in the responses and in singing, may the sense of unity with the people of God everywhere be strengthened and the discords of life be subdued in love and adoration for Christ.”

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The Journey of Lent

by: Kerry Bender

My introduction to Lent was on a bus in rural North Dakota on the way to school, probably around junior high and probably not the best place to learn the deep truths of the Church and the significance of the liturgical calendar.

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Day 46, April 20

by: Michael Benson

The Son of Man did not come to rule and exert His power, authority, or privilege over us. Rather, he came to serve us. We see this even in the way Jesus…

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Day 45, April 19

by: Michael Benson

If given the choice, the disciples would likely have chosen that Jesus remain with them rather than leave and send the Holy Spirit…

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Day 44, April 18

by: Michael Benson

Many a mother has reprimanded her child for eating junk food by stating, “You are what you eat.” Though she is attempting to encourage the consumption…

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Day 43, April 17

by: Michael Benson

Ask any farmer how he was able to produce his crops, and he’ll likely tell you about schedules for tilling, planting, watering, and fertilization…

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Day 42, April 16

by: Michael Benson

The Greek philosopher Zeno is famous for a number of paradoxes, one of which concerns the perceived mathematical impossibility of arriving at any given…

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Day 41, April 15

by: Michael Benson

It’s easy to say, “I trust God in every area of my life,” but actually living that trust through the everyday details is not quite so easy.

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