
Gateway Global

The Journey of Spiritual Formation

by: Randy Schmor

I realized that I can’t ignore and need to communicate to you how important my current focus on my own spiritual formation has been to me of late.

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NAB Global Church Partnerships / NAB Strategy

by: Randy Schmor

As the North American Baptist Conference has been moving towards a more ‘strategic’ way to accomplish our collective ‘ends’ (or goals)…

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Regarding a Wholistic Mission

by: Randy Schmor

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity once again to present and participate in the International Wholistic Mission Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Twas the Season

by: Randy Schmor

Well, I knew that this past December and January were setting themselves up to be a busy season and they were, just not entirely in the way I was expecting.

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Partnership for the Long Term

by: Randy Schmor

It is a ‘profound change’ in the idea that Short Term Mission does not align well with Missio Dei if we don’t experience it outside of Long Term Partnership

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Unity of the Spirit

by: Randy Schmor

As our EXPLORE and SCP Vision Trip team members discovered (and was re-confirmed to us) our brothers and sisters in Central Europe are eager to not only talk about what we have in common…

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Missional Living on a “Global” Scale

by: Randy Schmor

Compartmentalizing, categorization, and silo making…you may not realize it, but if you’re a North American or a church in North America, you’re good at these.

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Gateway Developments

by: Randy Schmor

January 2015 will mark 13 years since we (Shelly and Randy Schmor) began to serve with Gateway Teams (where has the time gone?!) and with each year we continue to see God using this ministry to develop “Global Partnerships through Kingdom Mission.”  Here’s some of the most notable developments at Gateway this past year:

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