

Kingdom Love

filed under Easter

Our challenge is to live up to the expectations of sacrificial, selfless love that God has commanded of those who call him Father.

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A Posture of Service

filed under Easter

The love of Jesus is a given for us, at least cognitively. We are so comfortable with the idea Jesus loves us we may even take it for granted.

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Remembering Good Friday

filed under News & Updates

A Good Friday recollection from Dr. Harry Kelm, plus upcoming events across the NAB: Bonfire and Retired Workers’ Retreat.

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Enemy Love

filed under Easter

In Christ’s most famous sermon, Jesus commands a concept that is oxymoronic for us: enemy love.

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Good Friday

On that day so many years ago, the followers of Jesus lived the pain and heartache of the tragic suffering and death of the only truly good man they ever knew.

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filed under Easter

It is always easier to define a word not just by depending on a conceptual understanding but by showing an action. So it is with love.

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A Moral Imperative

filed under Easter

In addition to being part of the fruit of the Spirit, joy is seen as a moral imperative – a command; to live contrary to this command is self-defeating.

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The Joy of You

filed under Easter

God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – delights himself in his children, and he takes joy in the setting free of the captives!

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