

Advent: December 23

As I walked back to my car, I had joy in my heart and a bounce to my step despite the two hours of basketball I had just played.

Advent: December 22

In my life, Christmas and Easter have been like two brilliantly shining stars, radiating God’s love and faithfulness.

Advent: December 21

Have you ever been so busy trying to accomplish something for God that you missed what God was doing?

Advent: December 20

When you think about reading Advent passages of Scripture, turning to 2 Samuel probably doesn’t come to mind.

Advent: December 19

To effect a meaningful change in his time, John did not need to resort to violence or consider the end as a justification for the means.

Advent: December 18

Last week I sat with a couple who were looking for answers within their marriage. A recent family trauma had led them into my office.

Advent: December 17

Peace has been a bit of a hard thing to come by for many of us in 2020, hasn’t it?

Advent: December 16

Luke 1:46-55 is the Magnificat: the political, religious, and social manifesto that Mary, miraculously pregnant with the Son of God, declares.