
The Breakout Sessions will take place on Saturday, July 10, and will be broken up into five different tracks. You can choose to stay on one track for each of the three Breakout Sessions, or you can attend Breakouts from a variety of tracks. The tracks are:

  • Church Planting
  • Mission/Formation
  • Partners
  • Ethnic Partnerships
  • International Missions


All Breakouts will be taking place via Zoom, the videoconference software. If you do not already have it downloaded, you can do so at, which will allow you to access the full features. You can also simply use your preferred internet browser to access each Breakout.

Breakout Session 1: 7:30–8:30 am (PDT)

Church Planting: Partnering to Plant: An Established Church Story of Helping Plant Churches – with Paul Nather

Paul will tell the story of Century Baptist Church and their journey toward planting other congregations and highlight a number of principles that will inspire other leaders and congregations to look toward multiplying.

Mission/Formation: Reframation: Seeing God, People, and Mission through Re-enchanted Frames – with Mark Nelson

Mark will be sharing insights from a book he co-authored with Alan Hirsch around changing the way we see God, the church, and the world by reframing the picture. This inspiring and transforming Breakout will offer the opportunity for people to participate in a further learning community in the fall around the concepts presented.

Partners: The Kairos Project – with David Williams and Greg Henson

The Kairos Project launched by Taylor and Sioux Falls Seminary has expanded to include nearly 1,000 students and 1,500 mentors spread out through thirty countries around the world. With this growth has come a wonderful opportunity to help people around the world engage in theological education that is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. It has also opened doors to conversations with students from many different ministry contexts. Come and learn a bit more about how we practice the way of Jesus in the increasingly diverse community of students in Kairos.

Ethnic Partnerships: Justice: A Biblical Perspective on the Issue of Racial Justice – with Chris Brooks, Charles Stevens, and Wayne Stapleton

This Breakout, done interview style, will explore the issues of biblical justice through the telling of Chris’s own personal story. This story will both awaken you to the realities that many face and inspire you to live in the way of Jesus for the sake of the world.

International Missions: What’s on the NAB Mission Horizon? – with Randy Schmor and Pierre Houssney

Join Randy Schmor, the director of Gateway Ministries for the NAB, and Pierre Houssney, the director of Horizons International, as they discuss the newest NAB mission field in Beirut, Lebanon. This exciting new field is opening as a sister-church partnership program between Horizons International and NAB Gateway.

Breakout Session 2: 9:00–10:00 am (PDT)

Church Planting: Church Planting: Why Bother? A vision for multiplication that could ignite every member of your church for mission – with Roger and Carrie Liegmann

Roger and Carrie will tell the story of their second church plant and how they have inspired their people to join God on mission. Their stories will inspire you to equip the people in your own church to be transformed into local missionaries.

Mission/Formation: The Backyard Pilgrim – with Matt Canlis

This Breakout will explore what it looks like to journey with Jesus into a fresh identity through walking at Godspeed through your neighborhood for 40 days. This Breakout will invite people into a 40-day journey in the year ahead that many in the NAB family have undertaken and been transformed through.

Partners: Open Door Living: Easy Ways to Share the Gift of Hospitality – with Jen Schmidt

Before the pandemic hit, Jen, author of Just Open the Door, heard from hundreds of women how isolation and loneliness were barriers in their lives, and then a worldwide quarantine had us close our doors. Never before has there been a more important time to connect to community and grow in the Gospel, but it feels extra challenging now, doesn’t it? What if we are overlooking the single most effective tool for the Kingdom? After decades of rethinking hospitality, Jen Schmidt is convinced that open door living has the power to radically impact our culture, to make an impact on our immediate community, and to literally change a generation. Let’s throw our preconceived notions on hospitality to the curb and understand its critical role in both loving God and loving others through life-on-life community. Leave inspired, encouraged, and equipped with tangible ideas for every personality type to implement immediately.

Ethnic Partnerships: Engaging Your Community – with Aaron Brockmeier, Chris Gorman, and Wayne Stapleton

In the midst of racial tension, Gospel partnerships can flourish. Chris and Wayne will talk with Aaron about his experiences ministering in Minnesota the aftermath of the death of George Floyd. We will hear what Aaron has been learning and be challenged to expand our own boundaries for the sake of the Gospel.

International Missions: Sister-Church Partnerships in the Flesh – with Paul Gericke, Bryan Hochhalter, and Zsolt Albert

Join us for a conversation facilitated by Paul Gericke, NAB missionary in Romania, between one of our NAB pastors, Bryan Hochhalter, and a Romanian pastor, Zsolt Albert. They will be discussing the mutual blessing that sister-church partnerships are as they reflect on their budding partnership.

Breakout Session 3: 2:00–3:00 pm (PDT)

Church Planting: Starting from Scratch: The Practical Work of Establishing a Missional/Formational Movement in Your Community – with Jake and Aly McGregor

This Breakout will highlight the wonderful story of the McGregors as they have sought to be the hands and feet of Jesus, within a community of God’s people, in a neighborhood that was deeply in need of transformation.

Mission/Formation: An Hour with the Executive Director – with Harry Kelm

Harry, the new NAB executive director, will be sharing his story, his hopes around the future direction of the NAB, and some of the challenges that we face. He will share specifically on issues of the vision for working with emerging leaders, ethnic partnerships, and regional structures, and he will encourage us to solidify our identity as the NAB. Come and participate as Harry helps us to continue in our missional formation.

Partners: Personal Finances – with Igor Mokhov and Bob Glim

Whether you are in good financial shape and simply looking for confirmation, in decent financial shape but could use a little fine tuning, or struggling mightily and are ready to make changes, we encourage you to join this Breakout session. We will be looking at what society teaches us versus what the Bible teaches us and look at important steps that can be taken to get on track and stay on track.

Ethnic Partnerships: An Indigenous Pastor’s Perspective – with Nathan Gullion and Wayne Stapleton

As more is coming to light about the residential schools that are part of Canadian history, we will hear of their impact on a personal life. Nathan is a pastor and the grandson of someone who lived in a residential school. He will share his personal story, as well as his experience doing cross-cultural ministry as a First Nations pastor at a predominantly White Canadian church.

International Missions: Missional Living at Home and Abroad – with Cam Roxburgh, Nick Thiessen, and Lyndell Campbell-Réquia

This Breakout will explore the importance missional theology as the individual Christian and Christian communities live missionally, both at home and abroad. Join us for this conversation between one of our NAB pastors, Nick Thiessen; one of our NAB missionaries, Lyndell Campbell-Réquia; and the NAB vice president of Missional Initiatives, Cam Roxburgh.