

Thank You Bergman Family

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NAB missionary family the Bergmans are returning to North America; new Triennial video from Lyndell; and Lent devotionals.

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Important News from the NAB

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An update concerning Kerry Bender, the VP of International Missions, and news about Triennial 2024 early bird pricing.

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Kerry Bender Stepping Down as VP of International Missions

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After six years of service in the NAB International Office, Kerry Bender has announced he is stepping down as vice president of International Missions.

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Learning to Be

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Meet Bob Baumann in the next installment of Three Questions; learn about the 2024 Bonfire, with guest Jeff Christopherson; and more.

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Three Questions: Bob Baumann

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Three Questions is a semi-regular series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking them about their story, their ministry, and what they are learning.

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Faith in Action

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An NAB pastor honored at a local prayer breakfast; Triennial 2024 early bird pricing ends January 31; and more!

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Things to Come

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Triennial scholarships from Church Investors Fund, a new webinar, the January Missional Initiatives newsletter, and the next Fit Assessment.

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New Year, New Season of Ministry

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Kerry Bender’s trip to the Philippines late last year; a new adventure for Nick and Iris Hung; and the newest Triennial walkabout.

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