


filed under Advent Devotionals

Choosing the easier way, even when it seems to be righteous, is not always the best way.

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In the Midst

filed under Advent Devotionals

“In light of God’s Kingdom ministry, the right thing may not always be the safe thing.”

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Incarnational Ministry

filed under News & Updates

The story of a church practicing true hospitality and incarnational ministry toward a Ukrainian family, plus resources for this Advent season.

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Hope over Cynicism

filed under Advent Devotionals

What would it look like instead if we chose to seek out and look for the good – to let hope and love and mercy guide our steps rather than our cynical hearts?

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Love of Enemy

filed under Advent Devotionals

Loving others in the general sense is not the identifier of our relationship with God; to be known as children of God, we must love those who despise us.

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True Hospitality: Love for the Stranger

God’s love leads his people to serve in surprising ways. And in doing so, we not only express his love to those in need but are transformed as well.

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Spiritual Palmar Reflex

filed under Advent Devotionals

God wants all parts of us, not just the ones we are comfortable giving up to him.

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Holy Sanctuaries

filed under Advent Devotionals

No longer would God only dwell within a building, no matter how beautifully crafted; he now dwells in and among his people, regardless of their flaws.

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