

Justice and Righteousness: Across the Globe and Across the Street

Through NAB International Missions, we seek to extend the Kingdom of God through the proclamation of the Gospel and the inbreaking of the Kingdom.

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Justice and Righteousness as a Sign, Instrument, and Foretaste of the Kingdom

As we join God on mission at the NAB, how then do we become a sign, servant (or instrument), and foretaste to God’s justice and righteousness?

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Justice and Righteousness: Love of Neighbor in Action

When Christ declared His church is to be salt and light, He revealed His desire for us to impact our culture in His name and on His terms.

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Important News from the Hohns in Cameroon

filed under Missions
filed under News & Updates

A brief letter from Calvin and Susanne Hohn about their time in Cameroon and what lies ahead.

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God Is Immanuel

filed under Advent Devotionals

The most beautiful part of Christmas is that it is above all an announcement to the world that God is with us.

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God Is Messiah

filed under Advent Devotionals

There is only one true Messiah, one Savior who takes away the sins of the world and is bringing about the restoration of all things, and his name is Jesus.

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God Is Savior

filed under Advent Devotionals

Translating literally as “god from the machine,” deus ex machina refers to an overly convenient resolution to the plot.

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God Is Redeemer

filed under Advent Devotionals

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

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