Wayne Stapleton


“We,” Not “They”

filed under Easter
Followers of Jesus whose identity are in Christ share this identity with every other Continue Reading

Humility toward Others

filed under Easter
The church has been at its best when it has not lorded power over Continue Reading

Ends and Means

filed under Easter
But the peace that comes from God does not come from us straining to Continue Reading

Three Questions: Bob Baumann

filed under Testimony
Three Questions, a series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking: What's your story? Continue Reading

Three Questions: Carol Potratz

filed under Testimony
Three Questions, a series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking: What's your story? Continue Reading

Three Questions: Rommel Ticas

filed under Testimony
Three Questions, a series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking: What's your story? Continue Reading

Three Questions: Rev. Joseph Thomas

filed under Testimony
Three Questions, a series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking: What's your story? Continue Reading

Three Questions: Pastor Charles Stevens, Jr.

filed under Testimony
Three Questions, a series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking: What's your story? Continue Reading