Psalm 32

by: Michael Benson

Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 32.

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The Heart of the Gospel

by: Deb Judas

God’s Kingdom is about love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, justice, humility, reconciliation, surrender, obedience, faithfulness.

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The Heart of Jesus

by: Deb Judas

In all of their misinterpretations of the Kingdom of God and in all of their misunderstandings of who Jesus was, one thing was certain.

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The Hardened Heart

by: Deb Judas

When our words and actions don’t align, a barrier is erected between us and others. The longer this goes on, the more hardened our heart becomes.

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Humility: The Way of the Heart

by: Deb Judas

In a world that demands the self to be at the forefront of everything we do, it feels impossible to surrender our ego to the humble ways of the Lord.

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The Heart of the Matter

by: Deb Judas

In the Kingdom of Heaven, forgiveness reigns because, left unchecked, unforgiveness will block us from experiencing deep relationships with God and others.

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It Is Well with My Soul

by: Deb Judas

There is a longing in each of us for the hand of God on us, for his Spirit to touch our spirit. We want to KNOW he is God.

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Psalm 63:1–8

by: Michael Benson

Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 63:1–8.

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