In one of the most famous evangelical passages in the Gospels, Jesus invites a Samaritan woman to drink of the living water found only in the Messiah…
Continue ReadingYesterday’s passage in Matthew 7 said the entrance to God’s Kingdom was only through a narrow gate. Today’s passage gives that gate a name: Jesus.
Continue ReadingOf the two criminals hung on either side of Jesus, one mocks Jesus with his dying breaths, asking why the Son of God didn’t save all three of them…
Continue ReadingEach Sunday during Lent, give yourself permission to reflect on all God has been speaking to you through His Word over the prior week.
Continue ReadingWhen we forgive those who have wronged us, often the most prominent transformation is deep within our own souls.
Continue ReadingAugustine, in his Confessions, lays out the deeds of his life up to that point, confessing to God and the world the sins he committed against God…
Continue ReadingLike much of what Jesus said during His years among us, the words He said while He was dying on the cross are important. Truthful. Resonant. Iconic.
Continue ReadingThere is no better lived-out example of this passage from the Sermon on the Mount than when Jesus called out while He was on the cross…
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