
Gateway Global

Regarding Hats (Part 2)

by: Randy Schmor

Since my last newsletter on the subject of ‘hats,’ I ended up being asked to wear one more as the NAB interim VP of International Missions.

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Regarding Hats…

by: Randy Schmor

There’s a training exercise for short-term mission teams where you’re asked to share about your ‘Hat, Home, and Heart.’

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Autumn Season Is Mission Season

by: Randy Schmor

Again, thanks for your continued prayers. Here are some highlights of the past couple of months.

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Back to How It All Started

by: Randy Schmor

You may be receiving this newsletter somewhat late this time around, as I was in Hungary with a Gateway Fuse short-term mission team for much of the past month or so.

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Four Foundations of Partnership

by: Randy Schmor

Partnership seems to be one of those ‘self-defined’ words in the world of global missions in our day.

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Passing the Baton?

by: Randy Schmor

As I’ve continued to serve in global missions over the years, sometimes I’ll be asked regarding sister-church partnerships, why?

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Getting Back Out There (Part 2)

by: Randy Schmor

As I shared with a few people while traveling, it feels like I’ve been making up for lost time over these past six months in my ministry life with NAB Gateway.

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Part of His Redemption Story

by: Bethany Meyers

I have recently returned to Canada after eight months living in Beirut, Lebanon. It is difficult to summarize all that I experienced, but I wanted to share a few reflections on my time abroad.

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