If your church is looking for materials to promote Triennial, check out the resources page designed specifically to provide access to downloadable posters, bulletin inserts, and PowerPoint slides.
Continue ReadingAfter ten years of service in the NAB International Office, Norm Poehlke has announced his resignation as vice president of Ministry Outreach.
Continue ReadingTake a minute to see what some of the International Office staff were hoping we might see at the upcoming Triennial!
Continue ReadingThe word proclaim means simply to herald, pronounce, publish, announce. It suggests a speaking out of something meaningful or significant. It implies a spoken word of a previously unexperienced truth.
Continue ReadingThis past week, a group of NAB leaders and ministry friends gathered in Detroit, Michigan, at Renewal Church, an NAB church led by Pastor Wayne Stapleton.
Continue ReadingMissions Sunday is this weekend! We are so excited for the ways God will use all of us across the NAB family to spread the word of international work.
Continue ReadingNick and Iris are just two lights shining brightly in a very dark corner of our world, but they do not stand alone.
Continue ReadingWhat does a Christian life deeply rooted in the logic of the Incarnation look like?
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