
News & Updates

In the Days to Come


Upcoming workshops on understanding Indigenous people; Triennial video; Blue Ocean; and more.

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Shaped for Mission


An NAB pastor writes on a church revitalizer’s perspective of the NAB End Goals, the next Blue Ocean, and job opportunities.

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Loving God and Others


Loving God and others through baseball camp; extending the legacy of an NAB church in South Philly; Triennial news.

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Stories of God’s Saving Grace


Three Questions with Pastor Charles Stevens, Jr.; and a teen who’s life was saved through the actions of an NAB pastor.

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Missional Living in Action


A testimony of missional living from Stephanie Valadez at Oak Hills Church, missionary newsletters, and job openings.

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In Service to the Kingdom


We thank God for the Smith family as they near the end of their year-long assignment in Romania; and new positions at the NAB International Office.

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The Kingdom at Work


The next installment of Three Questions, featuring 100-year-old Tilly Wademan; new job openings at the NAB and in BC.

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The Kingdom in Action


Chain of Love is an NAB partner ministry in Brazil that cares for orphans and children who cannot be with their parents.

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