Year-End Giving

End-of-Year Giving:

US Dollars     Canadian Dollars
US Dollars Canadian Dollars

End-of-Year Giving Information:

As the end of the year draws near, many will wish to give to the ministries of the North American Baptists, generously planting seeds for our missionaries and churches to preach the gospel, in word and deed, throughout the world. We are grateful to God for those who so faithfully spread God’s love through financially supporting NAB’s ministries. Thank you for giving!

As you consider donating to NAB in the current tax year, here are a few factors to keep in mind to make sure we are able to give you a tax receipt for the current calendar year:

  • If you are sending a check, please make sure that the check and envelope are dated or postmarked no later than December 31. Please mail to:
    • Canadian contributions only: North American Baptists, Inc. PO Box 57235 Station A Toronto, ON M5W 5M5
    • U.S. contributions only: North American Baptists, Inc. P.O. Box 102493 Pasadena, CA 91189-0118
  • You may donate through credit card gifts online using the links listed above. The credit card transaction must be charged no later than December 31 in order to occur within the current tax year.
  • You can now text to give. Text the amount you wish to give and “General” to (204) 400-2238 for Canadian gifts and (916) 249-0534 for US gifts. For more information or other fund options, visit
  • If you plan to donate using an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), forms must be received at NAB’s Roseville, California, office no later than December 18, to be processed and credited for the current tax year.
  • In order to donate stock prior to the end of the year, notification must be received at NAB’s Roseville, California, office no later than December 11.

If you need assistance prior to the holiday closing dates with financial gifts, please call the office at (916) 797-6222.