NAB Special Projects

Special Projects List

What Are NAB Special Projects?

These NAB special projects support local ministry efforts in a myriad of ways across the globe, providing local leaders the support and resources necessary to serve. There is sure to be a project you will be eager to give to.

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Chain of Love – Various Needs

Please visit for specific information about special projects related to the Chain of Love ministry, which provides loving, secure, caring homes for abandoned and abused street children in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Baptist Convention of Rio Grande do Sul – Pastoral and Ministry Leadership Training
Goal: $2,000

Pastoral and ministry leadership training at the Baptist Convention of Rio Grande do Sul.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Baptist Theological Seminary of Rio Grande Do Sul – Resources

Needed resources for the Baptist Convention of Rio Grande do Sul.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Kairos Brazil Scholarships
Goal: $21,000

Funds will be used to subsidize the costs of the Kairos Project for Brazilian students and pastors in partnership with the Rio Grande do Sul Baptist Theological Seminary. $35/month for 50 scholarships

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  


Least-Reached People Group
Goal: Ongoing

Evangelism, education, and community development are the three priority projects of the least-reached people group we serve in Cameroon and Nigeria. Our three priorities are interconnected, with no single project progressing without the other two also moving ahead. For Christians in their faith communities, bringing the Good News of Jesus to others is the ultimate goal. Education and community development (including humanitarian aid) are entered into strategically so that the Gospel will be seen, experienced, and promoted. All together, these projects are leading to lives being transformed by Jesus Christ to the glory of God.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  


Assist a National Missionary
Goal: Ongoing

Cameroonian national missionaries are teaching the least-reached peoples of Cameroon. While Cameroon Christians support the basic salaries of these missionaries, most have no ministry funds. Contributions will provide these national missionaries with Bibles, literature, or even a motorcycle in order to reach the people to whom they were sent.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Chemotherapy Treatments
Goal: Ongoing

One course of chemotherapy is equal to half a year’s wage for the average Cameroon laborer. Your gift will subsidize the cost and make this life-saving treatment available to patients in need.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Ekoumdoum Maternity Project
Goal: $25,000

An average of 107 babies are born each month at Ekoumdoum Baptist Hospital, and 365 women are seen in crowded spaces for antenatal clinics. Additional space will ensure the safety, comfort, and privacy of the moms and babies. Construction of a new maternity unit is underway, but additional funds are needed to complete the project. Funds given to this project will cover the costs needed for a meeting hall for antenatal classes, consultation rooms, delivery rooms, and basic furnishings. This will not only increase the capacity but it will also provide a safer environment for mothers and babies.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Hearts for the Deaf
$250 annually per child

At the Inclusive School and Sign Language Centre (ISSLC) Mbingo, hearing-impaired children have the opportunity to be educated and integrated into society. Contributions help offset living and tuition expenses of the students at the school. A donation of $250 per child goes a long way. Note: Identity of children not disclosed.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
HIV/AIDS Chosen Children
$250 annually per child

Funds provide education and health support for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and other disasters and diseases. The children are placed with caregivers in their communities rather than in an orphanage. The suggested donation of $250 annually per child is the minimum necessary to support these children in need.
Note: Identity of children not disclosed.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Mbingo Cancer Radiation Therapy
Goal: $600,000

Access to radiation therapy is extremely limited in sub-Saharan Africa, and the majority of patients presenting with tumors can benefit from treatment with radiation. As part of the plan to develop a comprehensive cancer center, Mbingo Baptist Hospital is working to install a radiation therapy unit consisting of a large bunker containing two linear accelerators. The design of the bunker has been officially approved by the national radiation safety board of Cameroon, and a used linear accelerator has already been donated. In addition to the NAB, the CBC Health Services and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard will be supporting the funding of the bunker.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Mbingo Laboratory Equipment
Goal: $40,000

Mbingo Baptist Hospital Pathology laboratory was opened in 2010. At that time, the electrical supply was very erratic and was the cause of ruin to many laboratory machines over the years. Therefore, a manual method of doing tissue processing for histopathology was established. This has served MBH for over thirteen years. However, now that the hospital is on a reliable, hydroelectric power supply, it is time to improve the laboratory via purchase of an automated tissue processor. This will provide a means of significantly upgrading the quality of the slides. The goal of this fund is to purchase, ship, and install a good, automated tissue processor.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Pathology Training
Goal: $30,000 annually per student

This fund will assist in the training of an African pathologist. Having a pathologist on the Mbingo campus gives the hospital the ability to perform lab work on site, providing quality and timely test results for patient care.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  

North America

Bibles for Outreach and Discipleship

For many people in inner-city Philadelphia, a Bible is a luxury. Your gift of $30 or more will provide God’s Word to seekers and new believers.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Gateway Romania Team Serving Camp Caroline

To experience the Camp Caroline ministry and Canadian NAB churches, as well as to have an international cross-cultural experience, a Gateway team from Szentkiraly Church in Romania will spend a week serving at Camp Caroline – a sister camp in Alberta to Camp Falcon Rock in Romania. Those who take part in the trip will also visit five to six NAB churches throughout Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, and Vancouver, especially those churches who have been to Romania or have sister-church partnerships or deep connections with Camp Falcon Rock.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  


Bicol Center for Christian Leadership Field Operating Budget
Goal: $50,000

The Bicol Center for Christian Leadership trains pastors, evangelists, and church leaders. It is led entirely by Philippine nationals, who are assisted by volunteer, short-term lecturers from North America. The BCCL is funded through special projects. Gifts to General Support go toward items such as travel, teachers, training materials, event costs, resources, evangelistic outreach, and ministry development.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  


Missionary Housing
Goal: $55,000

The NAB had the opportunity to acquire a property on behalf of Camp Falcon Rock to be utilized as NAB missionary housing. This is an exciting joint venture between the NAB and Camp Falcon Rock. One home is already on the property and is being remodeled for the Bergman family. A second dwelling is also needed on the property for additional missionary housing. Funds from this project will cover the cost of both the remodel of the first structure and the building of a second. This project is an important part of the overall strategy and partnership between CFR, the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania, and the NAB.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Camp Falcon Rock

Camp Falcon Rock is a 60-acre property purchased through the generous support of NAB churches and donors in 2000. Once it is fully developed, it will be used for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development, where children, young adults, and families will have a place to grow.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Camp Falcon Rock – Expand
Goal: $500,000

After nearly a decade of development and ministry, the camp is looking to expand its capacity in hosting young people. Funds for this project will go toward continuing with interior work on the main lodge to make a winterized space to host up to 300 young people at a time for camps.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  
Camp Falcon Rock Summer Camps

Camp Falcon Rock is a ministry center owned and operated by the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania (HBC) and partnered with the NAB through the mission field in Romania. One of the ways this ministry center extends the mission of the HBC is through running summer camp programs for children and youth to evangelize, disciple and raise up the next generation of Jesus followers in Romania. The “Camp Falcon Rock Summer Camps” fund is a way you can help children and youth in Romania attend Camp Falcon Rock programs this year through subsidizing the cost of camper fees.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars  


General Support
Goal: $80,000

The entire Russia Leadership Development ministry is funded through special projects. Gifts to General Support go toward items such as in-country travel, translators, training materials, event costs, Bible school subsidies, and evangelistic outreaches.

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US dollars Canadian dollars US dollars Canadian dollars