

My Life Pursuit

I have an atheistic background. My family was actively involved in our neighborhood church, but as a young high schooler, I walked away from my faith and entered a season […]

Walking in Humility

At Wheaton, I came face to face with the reality of the “already, but not yet” nature of the Kingdom of God.

Deepening Trust

As I continue to try to follow Dallas Willard’s advice to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life,” a practice that requires a strong trust in God.

By His Grace

My idyllic family life came to a sudden crash when my parents divorced in my early middle-school years.

Still Pursuing My Calling

I experienced a very tangible call to ministry when I was thirteen years old. I can still recall the details of that moment as if it was yesterday. My youth […]

Identity in the Father

I was invited to consider either becoming an associate pastor or planting a church. The problem is that I never wanted to be a pastor.