

The Flourishing of God’s People

filed under News & Updates

Bidding farewell to two missionary couples as they transition; meet the new directors of Advancement; the 2023 Christmas Offering; and more.

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With Each Other in Christ

filed under Advent Devotionals

Being with Christ is always in the context of being with each other.

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NAB Missions in Transition

filed under Missions

At the end of 2023, we will be saying goodbye to two amazing NAB missionary families: Paul and Melissa Ewing, and Ron and Jeannie Seck.

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With Christ

filed under Advent Devotionals

God is with us. The inverse, our being with Christ, is not a typical thought during Advent, yet it is hinted in the words of Simeon and others.

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Choosing to Be Family

filed under Advent Devotionals

When we choose to be with others, it is not only for their benefit; it is also for our own. We cannot do life on our own.

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Graced by God

filed under Advent Devotionals

Choosing a name for your brand-new child can be stressful. After all, this is their identity, the means by which they will be known for the rest of their life.

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Prepare the Way of the Lord

filed under Advent Devotionals

Prepare the way of the LORD. Make the path clear for the King. He is coming with redemption and is ready to be received by his people.

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Mary’s Response

filed under Advent Devotionals

Meet Mary, an ordinary person living an ordinary life. Her life had been all mapped out for her.

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