

Sabbath: Ephesians 2:1–10

filed under Easter

Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage – Ephesians 2:1–10 (NLT) – reflecting on what it means in relation to the peace of Christ.

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Life of Trust

filed under Easter

Each Saturday during Lent, we will explore a story or profile of peace in action: people who are acting as shalom-bearers in our world.

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Unity Peace

filed under Easter

I not only want to know what is the most important, but I want my life to reflect what is the most important.

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God’s Church Is Global

filed under News & Updates

Spring Missions Sunday is March 17; new interim VP of International Missions; new regional minister in British Columbia.

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Good Posture

filed under Easter

My dad gave me a love of sports. Posture is important in sports. Your posture can help you make or miss a play.

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The Story of Jesus

filed under Easter

As someone who has experienced the saving grace of Jesus, I have the privilege of sharing with others the real-life stories of a God who loves them.

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Whatever the Cost

filed under Easter

We can all be grateful for the questions Peter asks Jesus in Scripture, and I am especially grateful for this one.

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Control / Trust

filed under Easter

Control. Trust. I am continuously learning that as I practice letting go of the first, I grow in my ability to do the second.

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