

Walking Boldly into the Future

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filed under Seminary

Exciting Announcement about the Future of Kairos; Harry Kelm’s Article on the NAB Identity – Irenic; and More!

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Change in Seasons

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End of summer recap at Camp Falcon Rock; next Identity article from Harry Kelm; Blue Ocean changes; and more!

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Mbingo Hydroelectric Dam Is Operational

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After a decade of dreaming, planning, fundraising, setbacks, and construction, the hydroelectric dam at Mbingo Baptist Hospital is now operational and powering the hospital!

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Our Identity as the NAB

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filed under Missions
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Over a span of six weeks, we will be sharing a series of articles from NAB Executive Director Harry Kelm about our identity as the NAB.

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Identity: Part 6 – An Openness to God’s Leading

filed under Identity

The North American Baptist Conference of churches was formed out of God’s leading many years ago. Based on a connection between German immigrants in Canada and the United States, devoted followers of Jesus used these relationships to live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Identity: Part 5 – Partnerships

filed under Identity

Our partnerships are country to country, region and association to region and association, church to church, and person to person.

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Identity: Part 4 – Irenic

filed under Identity

I heard someone say that the best advertisement for the Christian life is how Christians get along. The same person then said the worst advertisement for the Christian life is how Christians get along.

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Identity: Part 3 – The End Goals

filed under Identity

We are unified around what we believe about God and who we are in God through our faith in Jesus. We are also unified around our mission. We use the term “ends” to describe this mission of the NAB.

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