Michael Benson


Day 40, April 14—Sabbath

filed under Easter
“It is finished.” –John 19:30 Each Sunday during Lent, give yourself permission to reflect Continue Reading

Día 40, Abril 14—Sabbath

filed under Uncategorized
“Consumado es.” –Juan 19:30 Cada domingo durante esta temporada, dese permiso para reflexionar sobre Continue Reading

Day 39, April 13

filed under Easter
“It is finished.” –John 19:30 So Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, Continue Reading

Día 39, Abril 13

filed under Uncategorized
“Consumado es.” –Juan 19:30 —Ciertamente les aseguro —afirmó Jesús— que, si no comen la Continue Reading

Day 38, April 12

filed under Easter
“It is finished.” –John 19:30 “And I assure you that the time is coming, Continue Reading

Día 38, Abril 12

filed under Uncategorized
“Consumado es.” –Juan 19:30 Ciertamente les aseguro que ya viene la hora, y ha Continue Reading

Day 37, April 11

filed under Easter
“It is finished.” –John 19:30 No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. Continue Reading

Día 37, Abril 11

filed under Uncategorized
“Consumado es.” –Juan 19:30 Nadie ha subido jamás al cielo sino el que descendió Continue Reading