
Cross-Cultural Engagement

Illustrations of Church Multiplication


Stories of NAB churches multiplying ministry in a variety of efforts

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Reaction to Chauvin Verdict

by: Wayne Stapleton

I was in my office watching the news on my computer when the three charges were read by Judge Peter Cahill of the Fourth Judicial District in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The camera was on Derek Chauvin’s masked face. I was nervous. At the top of my mind were the potential violence and mayhem and loss of life that could occur if…

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To Love Is to Listen

by: Wayne Stapleton

About nine years ago, our church restart established a countywide chapter of faith communities who support and promote foster care. During one of the meetings, a passionate advocate for foster care was mentioned. She was one of my high school classmates…

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Racial Reconciliation Sunday

by: Wayne Stapleton

The Japanese have a process in which cracked pottery is repaired by inserting gold in the cracks. This process is called kintsugi and is built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections stronger and more beautiful pieces of art can be created.

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Epiphany about Hospitality

by: Wayne Stapleton

When the subject of hospitality first was mentioned as the theme for the 2021 Triennial, I was unenthused. Sounds nice, I thought. But it’s not really exciting, not thick, not challenging.

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An Invitation to Listen

by: Wayne Stapleton

Recently, Aaron sat down to write of his experiences and what God is teaching him in the process. We are delighted to share Aaron’s learnings widely, and we invite you to join him, Wayne Stapleton, and Chris Gorman for a webinar later next month.

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Engaging in Racial Reconciliation

by: Tony Campos

I came to the United States about fifteen years ago as a missionary to the Latinos living in this country. As an immigrant, I have a unique perspective and opinion on certain things—not always right, just different.

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A First Nations Conversation

by: Wayne Stapleton

In February, as part of the NAB initiative to grow in cross-cultural engagement, a dialogue was hosted by Grace Baptist Church in Calgary, Alberta, with NAB leaders, people with a background in ministry to the First Nations community.

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