

Update on NAB Missionaries to Cameroon

by: Kerry Bender

There are some important updates on the situation in Cameroon, and we want to keep you informed so you might better pray for them in the upcoming days.

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Helping Cameroon

by: Joanna Clark

Join us in partnering with the Cameroon Baptist Convention

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Dan in Japan

by: Joanna Clark

In 1951, Florence Miller entered Japan as the very first NAB missionary to the Land of the Rising Sun and the people who call it home.

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Pray for Cameroon

by: Joanna Clark

We, along with the Cameroon Baptist Convention and our team in Cameroon, are grateful for your prayers, and we continue to covet them.

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Special International Missions Update on Cameroon

by: Joanna Clark

There are some important updates on the situation in Cameroon, and we want to keep you informed so you might better pray for them in the upcoming days.

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International News within the NAB

by: Joanna Clark

The recent socio-political crisis in Cameroon that started in November 2016 continues to grow, adversely affecting the life, commerce, and education of the population, especially in the two Anglophone regions of the country.

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Gateway LTP in Central Europe

by: Randy Schmor

Gateway should begin to highlight the opportunities of Long-Term Partnerships (LTP) in Central Europe, namely in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia.

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Triennial, Missionary Needs, and Onward!

by: Joanna Clark

The North American Baptist International Office is excited to announce that the 2018 Triennial Conference brochures are in the mail, and we want to invite you to join us!

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