Joining God on Mission Requires Equipping
To follow the way of Jesus is to join Him on mission; to be effective on mission, we must be spiritually formed into the image of Christ. It is therefore necessary to be properly equipped in order to effectively communicate the Gospel in word and deed. Because of this, the NAB seeks to provide training and resources and make space for important conversations in order to best equip pastors and leaders. The NAB is equipping churches through Blue Ocean, Ethos, and the Discovery Project.
Ethos, Blue Ocean, and the Discovery Project are different avenues for leaders and churches to discover what it means to be missional, without ignoring spiritual formation. The NAB is also committed to reaching across cultural lines, both at home and abroad; one of the ways we do this is by making resources available to those churches serving cross-culturally. Additionally, we hold teleconferences, webinars, and events at various points throughout the year designed to provide space for important conversations to challenge and encourage.
The NAB is privileged to work with many ministry leaders across North America. We have been capturing some of their stories at Blue Ocean and would love for you to hear these stories.