

The Joy in Gathering with Old Friends

filed under Events

It was another great reunion at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center in Sumas, Washington, May 15–17, 2023, with retirees coming from eight states and two provinces.

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Celebrations and Congratulations

filed under News & Updates

Camp Caroline celebrates 50 years; we celebrate and congratulate Bob Krahn on his upcoming retirement; new Missional Initiatives newsletter

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From Across the NAB

filed under News & Updates

Three Questions, a new, semi-regular series; Bob Krahn’s retirement as RM; and Missional Initiatives updates.

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Three Questions: Pastor Kevin Wong

filed under Testimony

Three Questions is a semi-regular series where we introduce individuals across the NAB with the same questions: What’s your story? What’s ministry like for you? What are you learning?

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Missional Initiatives Spring 2023 Update

filed under Missional Living

We have finished another year of Blue Ocean. This “appetizer” for what it means to become part of the missional movement in the NAB has been going for 6 years now.

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Four Foundations of Partnership

filed under Gateway Global

Partnership seems to be one of those ‘self-defined’ words in the world of global missions in our day.

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Blessings in the NAB

filed under News & Updates

Kerry Bender shares of his time in Brazil, the Landing Open House is next week, and an RM job opening.

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Blessings in Brazil

filed under Missions

Last month, I had the privilege of spending time with our missionary team in Brazil. It is so exciting to see what God continues to do through NAB partnerships.

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