

Practicing the Art of Being With

filed under News & Updates

A story of transformation in Turtle Lake Baptist Church; an Advent webinar on neighboring; and Advent devotionals.

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Celebrating All God Is Doing

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Celebrating 30 year of ministry at Chain of Love in Brazil, as well as all God is doing in and through the NAB.

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Autumn Season Is Mission Season

filed under Gateway Global

Again, thanks for your continued prayers. Here are some highlights of the past couple of months.

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The Latest Triennial News

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The newest edition of Three Questions, a walkabout video from Cam Roxburgh, a short bio of the Friday evening speaker for Triennial, and more.

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Three Questions: Rommel Ticas

filed under Testimony

Three Questions is a semi-regular series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking them about their story, their ministry, and what they are learning.

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Something New

filed under News & Updates

Story of something new from a couple in Bismarck, North Dakota; Triennial registration is now open; and more.

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Backyard Movie Nights

filed under Missional Living

Andy and Kara Speidel knew they wanted to be intentional in their relationships, especially in their neighborhood, so they started something new.

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Triennial Registration in 6 Days!

filed under News & Updates

Registration for the 2024 Triennial opens in only six days. Watch the latest promotional video. Also, the October Missional Initiatives newsletter.

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