

The Shepherd’s Way

filed under Advent Devotionals

Considering the ‘rulers’ wielding power today, and those in Jesus’s day as well, a shepherd-ruler sounds like a contradiction in terms.

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Ministry To, Ministry With

filed under News & Updates

Three Questions with Carol Potratz; Triennial 2024 delegates; Christmas Offering; and more.

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Past, Present, Future

filed under Advent Devotionals

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are entangled during this season as we join with the first-century Israelites in awaiting the Messiah’s arrival.

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Three Questions: Carol Potratz

filed under Testimony

Three Questions is a semi-regular series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking them about their story, their ministry, and what they are learning.

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Poor Little Critter

filed under Advent Devotionals

This is what we celebrate at Christmas: our God who sees our failings and, instead of pushing us away, comes to us in the midst of them.

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Christmas Is Alive

filed under Advent Devotionals

It isn’t just a story. It’s real. It’s true. Christmas is real and living and breathing, and He is here with us.

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Fallen Leaves

filed under Advent Devotionals

Instead of being blown about by the wind, when we are together we experience the shaping power of God’s Holy Spirit.

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God With Us

filed under Advent Devotionals

This concept of God with us is not just theology, it is also our example to follow.

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