
News & Updates

Continuing our June Focus on Shepherding

by: Joanna Clark

One of the most important pursuits for pastors, and pretty much everybody, is to value the ministry of shepherding, of caring for souls, of being fully…

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An Important Pursuit

by: Joanna Clark

One of the most important pursuits for pastors, and pretty much everybody, is to value the ministry of shepherding, of caring for souls, of being fully…

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June’s Focus on Shepherding

by: Joanna Clark

This month’s focus is on shepherding, caring for the lives of those entrusted to us by God. Watch the video from Kent Carlson, VP of Leadership…

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Missional Resources and Cameroon Update Video

by: Joanna Clark

Missional Voice: a resource to help you to better follow in the footsteps of our missional God.

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Updates from Multiple Mission Fields

by: Joanna Clark

Last month we let you all know about an opportunity to participate in a $10,000 matching gift campaign for the Cameroon Pathology Training Special…

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Missional Resources at Your Fingertips

by: Joanna Clark

The gospel invites repentance and faith, and if we believe that in Jesus God is restoring every corner of creation and we align themselves with this…

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Missional Resources for You

by: Joanna Clark

Blue Ocean is a one-year introduction to missional/formational theology and practice, exploring what it means to have a renewed theological vision…

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May’s Focus on the Missional Movement

by: Joanna Clark

To help us kick off the month of May, where we will be focusing on the missional movement of God in the world and in the NAB, VP of Missional…

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