

Identity: Part 2 – Our Beliefs

filed under Identity

Our unity with each other is based on our unity with God in Jesus Christ. We share a common faith in Jesus and a common view of what we believe.

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Identity: Part 1 – Why the NAB?

filed under Identity

I often get asked, “Why should my church be a part of the North American Baptist Conference?” The Scriptures are filled with verses that speak about our connection to one another as God’s people.

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Update on Gaudios

filed under Missions

Unity is easy when there is uniformity of opinion; unity is difficult, and all the more important, when there is a divergence of opinions among the body of Christ.

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You’re Cordially Invited

filed under Church Planting
filed under Missional Living
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A few years ago, my wife Carissa and I stepped into our church planting journey. After years of serving students in northeast Ohio, we sensed God was inviting us into a new and fresh challenge.

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Jim Renke Retires as RM

filed under EYELET
filed under News & Updates

My days as a Regional Minister in the NAB Conference are coming to an end on September 30, 2021. This ministry was the capstone of a life lived in fellowship with my NAB brothers and sisters.

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Missional Life Reimagined

filed under News & Updates

Kingdom Community is a new church in Lodi, planted by One-Eighty out of a vision for their city’s broken neighborhoods. This new church is deeply connected with One-Eighty’s Intentional Neighboring program.

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Biyaya Means ‘Blessing’

filed under Missions
filed under News & Updates

Due to the ongoing global pandemic, millions of Filipinos are experiencing deep hunger, both physical and spiritual. To help meet both needs, the Bicol Center for Christian Leadership launched Project Biyaya last July.

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Illustrations of Church Multiplication

filed under News & Updates

Stories of NAB churches multiplying ministry in a variety of efforts

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