In this episode of the Explore NAB podcast, Kent Carlson dives deep into the topic of youth ministry with Greg and Heather Henson, both of whom come to the table with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to minister to the next generation. Join in as they discuss how to involve youth ministry in the greater context of the church and as they work through the unique challenges that a multi-generational ministry can present.
Rev. Dr. Heather Henson is the director of Quest at Green Lake Conference Center and an adjunct professor of Pastoral Ministries at Sioux Falls Seminary. She has a bachelor of music in vocal performance from Taylor University and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Northern Seminary. Her doctoral work focused on Christian identity development in young adults aged 18 to 29. Quest is a unique ministry that serves junior and senior high students, young adults, and youth leaders (paid and volunteer).
She is married to Greg, whom she met in 2001 when both were young adults on staff at Quest. After Heather dumped a glass of water over Greg’s head, they fell madly in love!
Greg Henson’s experiences at church camp as a student and director, as well as serving the church as a worship leader, youth pastor, and senior pastor, led him to place a very high value on the importance of discipleship. Later, through consulting work with the Association of Theological Schools and through his work at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois, Greg developed a passion for the role theological education plays in the church. Greg became the twelfth president of Sioux Falls Seminary in February 2014.
God has richly blessed Heather and Greg with four fantastic children, ages 10, 8, 4, and 2.