

One Conference—Many Connections

Click here to view this newsletter as a PDF.   When the North American Baptists gather every 3 years for what has come to be known as ‘Triennial’, everyone I’m […]

The Journey of Spiritual Formation

Click here to view this newsletter as a PDF.   Hi friends. As you may have noticed if you’ve read these newsletters in the past, most of the subject matter […]

NAB Global Church Partnerships / NAB Strategy

As the North American Baptist Conference has been moving towards a more ‘strategic’ way to accomplish our collective ‘ends’ (or goals)…

Gateway LTP in Central Europe

Click here to view this newsletter as a PDF.   Central Europe Emphasis Earlier this year I had one of those unmistakable promptings I’ve come to recognize; that Gateway should […]

Twas the Season

Well, I knew that this past December and January were setting themselves up to be a busy season and they were, just not entirely in the way I was expecting.

NAB around the Globe

Eleven Romania team members from Wisconsin and Idaho carried out two ESL/VBS camps a day for an entire week in the villages of Simleu Silvaniei and Boghis.