


filed under Easter

God is good, and God demonstrates goodness. Fundamentally, what is good is what God declares and defines as such.

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Sabbath: Psalm 36

filed under Easter

Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 36 (NLT), reflecting on how it relates to the fruit of the Spirit from this week: gentleness and faithfulness.

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Endurance Race

filed under Easter

Faithfulness and endurance go hand in hand. It is not enough to simply be faithful for a period of time.

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Forest and Trees

filed under Easter

While Jesus was hanging on the cross, bearing the sins of the world, he was certainly aware of the importance of this moment.

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Making a Kingdom Impact

filed under Crisis Relief
filed under News & Updates

A new short-form documentary about Camp Falcon Rock, news from White Cross Canada, Retired Workers’ Retreat, and more.

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Like Hosea

filed under Easter

God is like Hosea the prophet finding his bride, Gomer, returned to her old ways of prostitution, yet taking her back as his own even still.

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filed under Easter

In most translations, every instance of the Greek word pistis in the New Testament is translated in English as “faith,” except for one.

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Gentle Erosion

filed under Easter

Perhaps the difference between power and humility is the same as we see between a strong, eroding current and a soft, shaping tide.

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