

The Young Will See Visions

filed under EYELET

The Elevating Younger Leaders Team (EYELET) was entrusted with being a think tank to help give leadership to the NAB’s initiative of elevating younger leaders.

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Into All Nations

filed under Camp Falcon Rock
filed under News & Updates

Meet the interim Romania field directors, read about a local church reaching the nations in the people around them, and reflections on the holiday weekend

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When the Nations Come to Us

The NAB has a rich history and passion to take the Gospel to the nations. Yet, when Jesus said go to the nations. What about when the nations come to us?

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Ministry to Indigenous People

filed under News & Updates

Wayne Stapleton shares the story of an Indigenous man sharing the Gospel with other Indigenous people

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Seeking Abundant Life for Indigenous People

Jesus told his followers he came to bring an abundant life, a life that could be described by the fruit of the Spirit. This type of life is sorely needed for all of us, and yet historical circumstances make it challenging even today for Indigenous people.

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Why Juneteenth Matters

filed under News & Updates

An article from an elder in an NAB church about Juneteenth, and Bonfire

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Why Acknowledging Juneteenth Is Important to the Church

There’s been a lot of discussion around Juneteenth. Some in church circles might even ask, “What does Juneteenth have to do with Church?”

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Missional Community in Action

filed under Missional Living
filed under News & Updates

NAB Missionary Summit Recap and Two New Regional Ministers

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