Michael Benson


Day 28, April 2

filed under Easter
“I am thirsty.” –John 19:28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you Continue Reading

Día 28, Abril 2

filed under Uncategorized
“Tengo sed.” –Juan 19:28 Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, Continue Reading

Día 27, Abril 1

filed under Uncategorized
“Tengo sed.” –Juan 19:28 Después de esto, sabiendo Jesús que ya todo estaba consumado, Continue Reading

Day 27, April 1

filed under Easter
“I am thirsty.” –John 19:28 Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and Continue Reading

Day 26, March 31—Sabbath

filed under Easter
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” –Mark 15:34   Each Sunday Continue Reading

Día 26, Marzo 31—Sabbath

filed under Uncategorized
“Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?” –Mark 15:34 Cada domingo durante Continue Reading

Day 25, March 30

filed under Easter
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” –Mark 15:34 “Abide in me, Continue Reading

Día 25, Marzo 30

filed under Uncategorized
“Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?” –Mark 15:34 Permanezcan en mí, Continue Reading