
News & Updates

Partnerships within the NAB


Newest update from Chain of Love in Brazil; invitation to Light Blue Ocean, and penultimate Identity article from Harry Kelm

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Walking Boldly into the Future


Exciting Announcement about the Future of Kairos; Harry Kelm’s Article on the NAB Identity – Irenic; and More!

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Change in Seasons


End of summer recap at Camp Falcon Rock; next Identity article from Harry Kelm; Blue Ocean changes; and more!

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Mbingo Hydroelectric Dam Is Operational


After a decade of dreaming, planning, fundraising, setbacks, and construction, the hydroelectric dam at Mbingo Baptist Hospital is now operational and powering the hospital!

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Our Identity as the NAB


Over a span of six weeks, we will be sharing a series of articles from NAB Executive Director Harry Kelm about our identity as the NAB.

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You’re Cordially Invited


A few years ago, my wife Carissa and I stepped into our church planting journey. After years of serving students in northeast Ohio, we sensed God was inviting us into a new and fresh challenge.

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Jim Renke Retires as RM


My days as a Regional Minister in the NAB Conference are coming to an end on September 30, 2021. This ministry was the capstone of a life lived in fellowship with my NAB brothers and sisters.

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Missional Life Reimagined


Kingdom Community is a new church in Lodi, planted by One-Eighty out of a vision for their city’s broken neighborhoods. This new church is deeply connected with One-Eighty’s Intentional Neighboring program.

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