
News & Updates

An hour with Christopher Wright, lenten resources, and more…


The celebration of Lent is an ancient Christian tradition that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday (February 26 – April 12 this year). This ancient celebration provides an opportunity for all followers of Christ to submerge the smaller story of our lives into the grand and glorious story of God’s ongoing redemption of this world through Christ. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the central event of the cross and resurrection, we are invited to live deeply into the reality of God’s kingdom in our midst.

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A Response to Barna’s Study, Where Do We Go From Here?


We who represent Jesus Christ often pray for His influence in our nation. But in light of that desire, it seem…

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Helping you self examine


When I was on staff at Grace Community Church in Detroit, Michigan, I loved how the church leadership pursued having a worship stage that reflected the diversity of church attendees. There was a significant African American population at the predominantly White church.

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Important Announcement Regarding Dan Hamil


Over the last eight years, I have written tens of thousands of words to you as the NAB family with the hopes of pastorally, prophetically, and passionately stirring in you an even greater desire to love God fully, worship Him deeply, follow Jesus faithfully, and witness to this world brightly.

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Black History Month and the Body of Christ


Because of the deep connection Black people have with the church, the history of the church and Black History Month are intertwined. Enslaved Blacks received the Christian religion in their new land, seeing the true Jesus behind the one worshiped by their slave masters.

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The Process of Deciding, Discerning, and Doing


In light of this three-article series on discernment, it seems appropriate to finish with a final article on some practical application.

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Developing Practices of Communal Discernment


To follow up with last week’s article on discerning God at work in our neighbourhoods, we offer this article from Aileen Van Ginkel on corporate discernment.

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Philippines Relief Effort


Early in December, a Category 4 typhoon made landfall in the Philippines. Mayette Ativo-Bueno, an NAB national missionary who runs the Bicol Center for Christian Leadership (BCCL) in Legazpi City, said, “Only by the grace of God did we survive with minimal damage.”

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