
News & Updates

Connie Salios—A Faithful Friend

by: Ron Norman

Occasionally there are those whose lives impact us more than others. For me, that person was Connie Salios. Our paths crossed as a result of God’s…

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The Latest Onward, The Rhythm of Rest

by: Joanna Clark

The most recent edition of Onward plunges into the areas of rest, solitude, and Sabbath. We all know the excuses. We all know the external demands.

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Church Planting and International Missions

by: Joanna Clark

I see it all the time when talking with new church planters and I ask them about their strategic plan for the development of their church’s ministry.

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New Resources for You!

by: Joanna Clark

Dr. Larry W. Caldwell provides a broad overview on the challenges and hopes facing the Church as a whole regarding global missions.

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Hopes and Challenges of Global Ministry

by: Joanna Clark

As we enter February, Kerry Bender shares his heart on the hopes, dreams, and even challenges we are facing when it comes to global ministry.

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Ending This Month’s Focus on Prayer With a Testimony

by: Joanna Clark

Calvin Hohn was recently visiting the NAB IO and wanted to take a few minutes to personally give an update on what’s happening on the field in Cameroon.

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Important Updates from the NAB Family

by: Joanna Clark

Calvin Hohn was recently visiting the NAB IO and wanted to take a few minutes to personally give an update on what’s happening on the field in Cameroon.

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Important Gatherings this Week

by: Joanna Clark

The regional ministers and the executive team gathered for a retreat focused on God’s revealed goodness in the Trinity, creation, the fall, and redemption.

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