

Call to Prayer alongside the CBC


We want to join with our brothers and sisters of the CBC in praying. Please take time over the next few days to do that. We would also request that you remember the CBC in your upcoming weekend worship services.

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Mourning and Praying


A call to mourn and pray with our Cameroonian brethren, David Ewing’s retirement, the newest edition of Onward, and end-of-year info

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Call to Mourning and Prayer with the CBC


Cameroon is the oldest mission partner of the North American Baptist Conference. Through the years, we have had opportunity to rejoice with them as churches were planted, church leaders were trained, hospitals were built, and lives were forever changed by the in-breaking of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Today, however, is an opportunity to mourn with those who mourn.

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Confession and Repentance


As the Church in the West considers its place in the broader culture, it is best for us to begin with confession and repentance, not repentance on behalf of the broader culture but because of our own role in embracing and even shaping that culture within the walls of our own churches.

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Ending This Month’s Focus on Prayer With a Testimony

by: Joanna Clark

Calvin Hohn was recently visiting the NAB IO and wanted to take a few minutes to personally give an update on what’s happening on the field in Cameroon.

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A Testimony on Communal Prayer

by: Jeff Russell

The communal prayer culture I was called to grow was going to be worship-based, scripture-fed, and led by the Holy Spirit.

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Important Updates from the NAB Family

by: Joanna Clark

Calvin Hohn was recently visiting the NAB IO and wanted to take a few minutes to personally give an update on what’s happening on the field in Cameroon.

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Important Gatherings this Week

by: Joanna Clark

The regional ministers and the executive team gathered for a retreat focused on God’s revealed goodness in the Trinity, creation, the fall, and redemption.

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