

David Fitch at Bonfire

filed under News & Updates

We are excited to share that David Fitch will be joining us for the main teaching at this year’s Bonfire, April 25–27.

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Powered by Community

filed under Easter

We tend to think of patience as an individual virtue, which is largely a reflection on our narrow understanding of how the word was used in the New Testament.

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filed under Easter

In an era with instant oats, two-minute rice, and same-day delivery, we don’t often find ourselves with cause for building patience in our everyday lives.

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Small Acts

filed under Easter

Small acts of loving-kindness, embodied in our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, can change the world.

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filed under Easter

At its core, kindness is about lovingly serving another through sacrificing something of ourselves: time, money, skill, resources.

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Sabbath: Psalm 23

filed under Easter

Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 23 (WEB), reflecting on how it relates to the fruit of the Spirit from this week: goodness and kindness.

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Living Empathetically

filed under Easter

Truly if there is any verse in all of Scripture that summarizes what it means to be kind, it is this one.

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Passing the Baton?

filed under Gateway Global

As I’ve continued to serve in global missions over the years, sometimes I’ll be asked regarding sister-church partnerships, why?

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