Take time this Sabbath to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 63:1–8.
Continue Readinghope is not an emotion to be relied on only in times of trouble, but it is a constant state of confidence in God regardless if our circumstances are positive or negative.
Continue ReadingIt’s good to know God is able to redeem any pain, any suffering, any tragedy. It’s good to know the rest of the story.
Continue ReadingFollowing the moral laws of God creates a freedom in life to grow and to prosper.
Continue ReadingPaul tells us that we preach Christ crucified, which is a stumbling block to those who should know God best and a foolishness to those looking in from the outside.
Continue ReadingAppreciation is something I see way too little of in the church, in my social media feed, and, if I am honest, in my own heart.
Continue ReadingDaniel was not there when his ancestors rebelled against God, and yet he states, “We have rebelled against him.”
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