

Resurrection Is Here

filed under Easter

The day after Jesus’s death and before his resurrection was certainly among the darkest in the lives of the disciples.

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It Is Finished

For a man of peace and a peace-bringer, Jesus’s death was the greatest irony. This death was why he came to this earth.

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Counted Righteous

filed under Easter

“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?”

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Humble Love

filed under Easter

It is not enough to simply say we love one another. There must also be actions that accompany these pronouncements.

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Willing Participant

filed under Easter

Jesus was a willing participant in his own death, knowing the end result would far outstrip his present suffering.

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The Lament of a Delayed Promise

filed under Easter

Many of us have felt the pain of Isaiah’s lament: “I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose.”

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Proclamation of Justice

filed under Easter

Yesterday, Palm Sunday, marks the day roughly 2,000 years ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem to an adoring crowd.

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Palm Sunday

filed under Easter

Take time this Palm Sunday to meditate on today’s passage from Psalm 118.

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