A new short-form documentary about Camp Falcon Rock, news from White Cross Canada, Retired Workers’ Retreat, and more.
Continue ReadingCelebrating Citywalk Church’s 4th anniversary. Also, new missionary newsletters, and Retired Workers’ Retreat & Reunion.
Continue ReadingA note from Harry Kelm on the Asbury revival, a profile of Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor for Black History Month, and more.
Continue ReadingDonate to the NAB’s World Relief – Turkey/Syria Earthquake Assistance, supporting efforts of partnering organization, Horizons International.
Continue ReadingRandy Schmor interviews a Ukrainian refugee working with MEK in Hungary, the next End Goal video from Harry, and more.
Continue ReadingRecap of two NAB pastors and an RM visiting with Ukrainian refugees in Moldova; the Smiths getting ready to go to Romania; and more.
Continue ReadingStory of a Ukrainian refugee baptism at Camp Falcon Rock, the 2022 Bonfire save-the-date, and more.
Continue ReadingStudents in Bismarck raise funds for Ukraine, NAB missionaries share a refugee story, and Spring Missions Sunday
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