
News & Updates

Missional Life Reimagined


Kingdom Community is a new church in Lodi, planted by One-Eighty out of a vision for their city’s broken neighborhoods. This new church is deeply connected with One-Eighty’s Intentional Neighboring program.

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Biyaya Means ‘Blessing’


Due to the ongoing global pandemic, millions of Filipinos are experiencing deep hunger, both physical and spiritual. To help meet both needs, the Bicol Center for Christian Leadership launched Project Biyaya last July.

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Illustrations of Church Multiplication


Stories of NAB churches multiplying ministry in a variety of efforts

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New NAB Partnership in Lebanon

by: Kerry Bender

During Triennial 2021, we had the privilege of announcing an exciting new partnership between the NAB and Horizons International. This joint venture will provide sister-church partnerships and short-term mission opportunities in Beirut, Lebanon, through NAB Gateway and Horizons.

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Triennial Sunday


Every Triennial, the Sunday worship gathering is one of the chief highlights of our time together. Unfortunately, the vast majority of NAB churches have no experience. With Triennial 2021 moving online it has created opportunities for us to bring Triennial to you!

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Homeward Bound


We are happy to share that after a few weeks in the hospital due to COVID-19, Valdir, the maintenance supervisor at Chain of Love in Brazil, has been released! He has been released to return home to continue his recovery.

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Reaction to Chauvin Verdict

by: Wayne Stapleton

My reaction to the Chauvin verdict as a follower of Christ and black leader. I was in my office watching the news on my computer when the three charges were read by Judge Peter Cahill of the Fourth Judicial District in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The camera was on Derek Chauvin’s masked face. I was nervous. At the top of my mind were the potential violence and mayhem and loss of life that could occur if…

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Letter from the New NAB Executive Director


My 13-month-old grandson is constantly discovering new things. I have enjoyed seeing the wonder and amazement, fear and trepidation in his eyes as he experiences the new things that life gives him the chance to do. In these last few days, I have had the privilege of beginning my role as Executive Director of the North American Baptist Conference.

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