
News & Updates

Confession and Repentance


As the Church in the West considers its place in the broader culture, it is best for us to begin with confession and repentance, not repentance on behalf of the broader culture but because of our own role in embracing and even shaping that culture within the walls of our own churches.

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Leadership Formation in the Church

by: Kent Carlson

“As leaders, the most important thing we bring to the church is the person we are becoming, because that’s what everybody sees, that’s what gets reproduced, and that’s what people will trust. Therefore, we must order our lives in such a way that we as persons and as a leadership team are experiencing increasing contentment, contagious joy, and a deepening confidence in God.” —Dallas Willard

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End of Year


For most of us, this has not been an easy year. I don’t think I need to highlight the ways that 2020 has been a year of isolation, division, and pain. We’ve all experienced this to some degree. What is more influential than the difficulties of this year is the ways God continues to be on the move within our lives and within the NAB.

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Season of Hospitality


Due to the ongoing concerns over COVID-19 and the difficulties in international travel, much of which likely not be fully alleviated by July 2021, the Governing Board has decided to move Triennial to a virtual platform. Excitingly, this also means we will be able to waive all registration fees. This means the entire Triennial conference will be free.

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Epiphany about Hospitality

by: Wayne Stapleton

When the subject of hospitality first was mentioned as the theme for the 2021 Triennial, I was unenthused. Sounds nice, I thought. But it’s not really exciting, not thick, not challenging.

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An Invitation to Listen

by: Wayne Stapleton

Recently, Aaron sat down to write of his experiences and what God is teaching him in the process. We are delighted to share Aaron’s learnings widely, and we invite you to join him, Wayne Stapleton, and Chris Gorman for a webinar later next month.

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The Changing Seasons


In its nearly one hundred years in operation, White Cross has gone through a number of changes and transitions, all in service of providing tangible assistance to our brothers and sisters in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services.

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Changes for White Cross


In its nearly one hundred years in operation, White Cross has gone through a number of changes and transitions, all in service of providing tangible assistance to our brothers and sisters in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services.

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