

True Hospitality: Love for the Stranger

God’s love leads his people to serve in surprising ways. And in doing so, we not only express his love to those in need but are transformed as well.

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Spiritual Palmar Reflex

filed under Advent Devotionals

God wants all parts of us, not just the ones we are comfortable giving up to him.

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Holy Sanctuaries

filed under Advent Devotionals

No longer would God only dwell within a building, no matter how beautifully crafted; he now dwells in and among his people, regardless of their flaws.

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Embracing the Difficult Manger

filed under Advent Devotionals

To follow in the footsteps of Jesus is to deliberately place ourselves in positions we will find uncomfortable, our own difficult mangers.

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The Difficult Path of Loving Our Neighbors

filed under News & Updates

An article on one way to better understand our Indigenous neighbors, a sneak peek of Advent devotionals, and new missionary newsletters.

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To Love One’s Neighbor Is to Learn about One’s Neighbor

The blanket exercise is a powerful way of teaching about the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the US and Canada.

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Getting Back Out There (Part 2)

filed under Gateway Global

As I shared with a few people while traveling, it feels like I’ve been making up for lost time over these past six months in my ministry life with NAB Gateway.

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Comings and Goings in the NAB

filed under News & Updates

An article on the efforts of an NAB church to reach First Nations people in Manitoba, a new RM, and a WCLT send-off.

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