

Partnership for Peace

An article from Randy Schmor on the four foundations of partnership, a Gateway trip to Hungary, and the nightly themes for Triennial 2024.

Four Foundations of Partnership

Partnership seems to be one of those ‘self-defined’ words in the world of global missions in our day.

Passing the Baton?

As I’ve continued to serve in global missions over the years, sometimes I’ll be asked regarding sister-church partnerships, why?

Getting Back Out There (Part 2)

As I shared with a few people while traveling, it feels like I’ve been making up for lost time over these past six months in my ministry life with NAB Gateway.

A Recap and a Countdown

A recap of Camp Falcon Rock summer camp, and a countdown to Bonfire and Blue Ocean.

Short-Term Missions with the NAB

A letter to the NAB family from Bethany Meyers, former short-term missionary to Lebanon; and a new opportunity for short-term missions in Hungary.

Getting Back Out There

These past few months have actually felt more ‘normal’ in regards to my ministry life with NAB Gateway. Allow me to share a few more details as to what it’s been like to ‘Get Back Out There!’

On the Road Again

As I’ve mentioned in the past, travel for my ministry with NAB Gateway has been non-existent for the better part of 2020 and 2021.